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    With the birth of each child mothers have many questions on the care of the newborn by month. And rightly so! After all, the child's health from the conception up to the age of reason is completely dependent on their parents. Being in your tummy, the child was under heavy guard placenta, which protects it from viruses and infections.

    Baby care

    Hygienic care of the newborn child - this is where should now start your day. After the first few months your baby will be an intense period of adaptation to the environment, and daily hygiene to help the child overcome his painful.

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Now they

Now they After years the imagined life of children partially separates from their real life.

Now they spend much time behind school lessons.

They are also faced by a task to learn to live in collective.

When at them it is necessary to dream time, their growing independence forces to imagine the great feats having nothing in common with ordinary affairs of their parents and neighbors.

Considering that they know now that is good that is bad, they find huge pleasure in stories where the good struggles with the evil and wins.


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  • I am a Kolobok, Kolobok! I left
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  • Often children
  • Perhaps this
  • Turn to children